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* Little Smalltalk, version 3
* Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, July 1988
* methods for Collection classes
Class Link Object key value nextLink
Class Collection Magnitude
Class IndexedCollection Collection
Class Array IndexedCollection
Class ByteArray Array
Class String ByteArray
Class Dictionary IndexedCollection hashTable
Class Interval Collection lower upper step
Class List Collection links
Class Set List
Methods Array 'all'
< coll
(coll isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [ self with: coll
do: [:x :y | (x = y) ifFalse:
[ ^ x < y ]].
^ self size < coll size ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super < coll ]
= coll
(coll isKindOf: Array)
ifTrue: [ (self size = coll size)
ifFalse: [ ^ false ].
self with: coll
do: [:x :y | (x = y)
ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
^ true ]
ifFalse: [ ^ super = coll ]
at: index put: value
(self includesKey: index)
ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index put: value ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
'illegal index to at:put: for array' ]
binaryDo: aBlock
(1 to: self size) do:
[:i | aBlock value: i value: (self at: i) ]
collect: aBlock | s newArray |
s <- self size.
newArray <- Array new: s.
(1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put:
(aBlock value: (self at: i))].
^ newArray
copyFrom: low to: high | newArray newlow newhigh |
newlow <- low max: 1.
newhigh <- high min: self size.
newArray <- self class new: (0 max: newhigh - newlow + 1).
(newlow to: newhigh)
do: [:i | newArray at: ((i - newlow) + 1)
put: (self at: i) ].
^ newArray
^ self deepCopyFrom: 1 to: self size
deepCopyFrom: low to: high | newArray newlow newhigh |
newlow <- low max: 1.
newhigh <- high min: self size.
newArray <- self class new: (0 max: newhigh - newlow + 1).
(newlow to: newhigh)
do: [:i | newArray at: ((i - newlow) + 1)
put: (self at: i) copy ].
^ newArray
do: aBlock
(1 to: self size) do:
[:i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]
exchange: a and: b | temp |
temp <- self at: a.
self at: a put: (self at: b).
self at: b put: temp
grow: aValue | s newArray |
s <- self size.
newArray <- Array new: s + 1.
(1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put: (self at: i)].
newArray at: s+1 put: aValue.
^ newArray
includesKey: index
^ index between: 1 and: self size
^ smalltalk error: 'arrays and strings cannot be created using new'
reverseDo: aBlock
(self size to: 1 by: -1) do:
[:i | aBlock value: (self at: i) ]
select: aCond | newList |
newList <- List new.
self do: [:i | (aCond value: i) ifTrue: [newList addLast: i]].
^ newList asArray
^ self copyFrom: 1 to: self size
^ self basicSize
with: newElement | s newArray |
s <- self size.
newArray <- Array new: (s + 1).
(1 to: s) do: [:i | newArray at: i put: (self at: i) ].
newArray at: s+1 put: newElement.
^ newArray
with: coll do: aBlock
(1 to: (self size min: coll size))
do: [:i | aBlock value: (self at: i)
value: (coll at: i) ]
with: coll ifAbsent: z do: aBlock | xsize ysize |
xsize <- self size.
ysize <- coll size.
(1 to: (xsize max: ysize))
do: [:i | aBlock value:
(i <= xsize ifTrue: [ self at: i ] ifFalse: [ z ])
(i <= ysize ifTrue: [ coll at: i ] ifFalse: [ z ])]
Methods ByteArray 'all'
<22 self String>
basicAt: index put: value
^ ((value isMemberOf: Integer) and: [value between: 0 and: 255])
ifTrue: [ <32 self index value > ]
ifFalse: [ value print. smalltalk error:
'assign illegal value to ByteArray']
basicAt: index
^ <26 self index>
size: value
^ <22 <59 value> ByteArray>
Methods Collection 'all'
< coll
(coll respondsTo: #includes:)
ifFalse: [ ^ smalltalk error:
'collection compared to non collection'].
self do: [:x | ((self occurrencesOf: x) <
(coll occurrencesOf: x))ifFalse: [ ^ false ]].
coll do: [:x | (self includes: x) ifFalse: [ ^ true ]].
^ false
= coll
self do: [:x | (self occurrencesOf: x) =
(coll occurrencesOf: x) ifFalse: [ ^ false ] ].
^ true
asArray | newArray i |
newArray <- Array new: self size.
i <- 0.
self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
^ newArray
asByteArray | newArray i |
newArray <- ByteArray new size: self size.
i <- 0.
self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x].
^ newArray
^ Set new addAll: self
^ self asByteArray asString
self do: [:x | x print ]
includes: value
self do: [:x | (x = value) ifTrue: [ ^ true ] ].
^ false
inject: thisValue into: binaryBlock | last |
last <- thisValue.
self do: [:x | last <- binaryBlock value: last value: x].
^ last
^ self size == 0
occurrencesOf: anObject
^ self inject: 0
into: [:x :y | (y = anObject)
ifTrue: [x + 1]
ifFalse: [x] ]
^ ( self inject: self class printString , ' ('
into: [:x :y | x , ' ' , y printString]), ' )'
^ self inject: 0 into: [:x :y | x + 1]
sort: aBlock
^ self inject: List new
into: [:x :y | x add: y ordered: aBlock. x]
^ self sort: [:x :y | x < y ]
Methods Dictionary 'all'
hashTable <- Array new: 39
hash: aKey
^ 3 * ((aKey hash) rem: ((hashTable size) quo: 3))
at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock | hashPosition link |
hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
ifTrue: [ ^ hashTable at: hashPosition + 2].
link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
^ (link notNil)
ifTrue: [ link at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
ifFalse: exceptionBlock
at: aKey put: aValue | hashPosition link |
hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) isNil)
ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 1 put: aKey ].
((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 2 put: aValue ]
ifFalse: [ link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
(link notNil)
ifTrue: [ link at: aKey put: aValue ]
ifFalse: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 3
put: (Link new; key: aKey; value: aValue)]]
binaryDo: aBlock
(1 to: hashTable size by: 3) do:
[:i | (hashTable at: i) notNil
ifTrue: [ aBlock value: (hashTable at: i)
value: (hashTable at: i+1) ].
(hashTable at: i+2) notNil
ifTrue: [ (hashTable at: i+2)
binaryDo: aBlock ] ]
self binaryDo: [:x :y | (x printString , ' -> ',
y printString ) print ]
includesKey: aKey
" look up, but throw away result "
self at: aKey ifAbsent: [ ^ false ].
^ true
removeKey: aKey
^ self removeKey: aKey
ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'remove key not found']
removeKey: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
^ (self includesKey: aKey)
ifTrue: [ self basicRemoveKey: aKey ]
ifFalse: exceptionBlock
basicRemoveKey: aKey | hashPosition link |
hashPosition <- self hash: aKey.
((hashTable at: hashPosition + 1) = aKey)
ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 1 put: nil.
hashTable at: hashPosition + 2 put: nil]
ifFalse: [ link <- hashTable at: hashPosition + 3.
(link notNil)
ifTrue: [ hashTable at: hashPosition + 3
put: (link removeKey: aKey) ]]
Methods IndexedCollection 'all'
addAll: aCollection
aCollection binaryDo: [:i :x | self at: i put: x ]
^ Array new: self size ; addAll: self
^ Dictionary new ; addAll: self
at: aKey
^ self at: aKey
ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index to at: illegal' ]
at: index ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
^ (self includesKey: index)
ifTrue: [ self basicAt: index ]
ifFalse: exceptionBlock
binaryInject: thisValue into: aBlock | last |
last <- thisValue.
self binaryDo: [:i :x | last <- aBlock value: last
value: i value: x].
^ last
collect: aBlock
^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
into: [:s :i :x | s at: i put: (aBlock value: x). s]
do: aBlock
self binaryDo: [:i :x | aBlock value: x ]
^ self binaryInject: Set new
into: [:s :i :x | s add: i ]
indexOf: aBlock
^ self indexOf: aBlock
ifAbsent: [ smalltalk error: 'index not found']
indexOf: aBlock ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
self binaryDo: [:i :x | (aBlock value: x)
ifTrue: [ ^ i ] ].
^ exceptionBlock value
select: aBlock
^ self binaryInject: Dictionary new
into: [:s :i :x | (aBlock value: x)
ifTrue: [ s at: i put: x ]. s ]
^ self binaryInject: List new
into: [:s :i :x | s add: x ]
Methods Interval 'all'
do: aBlock | current |
current <- lower.
(step > 0)
ifTrue: [ [ current <= upper ] whileTrue:
[ aBlock value: current.
current <- current + step ] ]
ifFalse: [ [ current >= upper ] whileTrue:
[ aBlock value: current.
current <- current + step ] ]
lower: aValue
lower <- aValue
upper: aValue
upper <- aValue
step: aValue
step <- aValue
Methods Link 'all'
add: newValue whenFalse: aBlock
(aBlock value: value value: newValue)
ifTrue: [ (nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink add: newValue
whenFalse: aBlock ]
ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new; value: newValue] ]
ifFalse: [ ^ Link new; value: newValue; link: self ]
at: aKey ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
(aKey = key)
ifTrue: [ ^value ]
ifFalse: [ ^ (nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink at: aKey
ifAbsent: exceptionBlock ]
ifFalse: exceptionBlock ]
at: aKey put: aValue
(aKey = key)
ifTrue: [ value <- aValue ]
ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink at: aKey put: aValue]
ifFalse: [ nextLink <- Link new;
key: aKey; value: aValue] ]
binaryDo: aBlock
aBlock value: key value: value.
(nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink binaryDo: aBlock ]
key: aKey
key <- aKey
includesKey: aKey
(key = aKey)
ifTrue: [ ^ true ].
(nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink includesKey: aKey ]
ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
link: aLink
nextLink <- aLink
^ nextLink
removeKey: aKey
(aKey = key)
ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeKey: aKey]]
removeValue: aValue
(aValue = value)
ifTrue: [ ^ nextLink ]
ifFalse: [ (nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink <- nextLink removeValue: aValue]]
reverseDo: aBlock
(nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ nextLink reverseDo: aBlock ].
aBlock value: value
(nextLink notNil)
ifTrue: [ ^ 1 + nextLink size]
ifFalse: [ ^ 1 ]
value: aValue
value <- aValue
^ value
Methods List 'all'
add: aValue
^ self addLast: aValue
add: aValue ordered: aBlock
(links isNil)
ifTrue: [ self addFirst: aValue]
ifFalse: [ links <- links add: aValue
whenFalse: aBlock ]
addAll: aValue
aValue do: [:x | self add: x ]
addFirst: aValue
links <- Link new; value: aValue; link: links
addLast: aValue
(links isNil)
ifTrue: [ self addFirst: aValue ]
ifFalse: [ links add: aValue whenFalse: [ :x :y | true ] ]
collect: aBlock
^ self inject: self class new
into: [:x :y | x add: (aBlock value: y). x ]
^ links "used to walk two lists in parallel "
reject: aBlock
^ self select: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
reverseDo: aBlock
(links notNil)
ifTrue: [ links reverseDo: aBlock ]
select: aBlock
^ self inject: self class new
into: [:x :y | (aBlock value: y)
ifTrue: [x add: y]. x]
do: aBlock
(links notNil)
ifTrue: [ links binaryDo: [:x :y | aBlock value: y]]
^ (links notNil)
ifTrue: links
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error: 'first on empty list']
self remove: self first
remove: value
(links notNil)
ifTrue: [ links <- links removeValue: value ]
(links isNil)
ifTrue: [ ^ 0 ]
ifFalse: [ ^ links size ]
Methods Set 'all'
add: value
(self includes: value)
ifFalse: [ self addFirst: value ]
Methods String 'all'
, value
(value isMemberOf: String)
ifTrue: [ (self size + value size) > 2000
ifTrue: [ 'string too large' print. ^ self ]
ifFalse: [ ^ <24 self value> ] ]
ifFalse: [ ^ self , value asString ]
= value
(value isKindOf: String)
ifTrue: [ ^ super = value ]
ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
< value
(value isKindOf: String)
ifTrue: [ ^ super < value ]
ifFalse: [ ^ false ]
asByteArray | newArray i |
newArray <- ByteArray new size: self size.
i <- 0.
self do: [:x | i <- i + 1. newArray at: i put: x asInteger].
^ newArray
^ self inject: 0 into: [:x :y | x * 10 + y digitValue ]
basicAt: index
^ (super basicAt: index) asCharacter
basicAt: index put: aValue
(aValue isMemberOf: Char)
ifTrue: [ super basicAt: index put: aValue asInteger ]
ifFalse: [ smalltalk error:
'cannot put non Char into string' ]
^ <83 self>
" catenation makes copy automatically "
^ '',self
copyFrom: position1 to: position2
^ <33 self position1 position2>
^ <82 self>
^ '''' , self, ''''
^ <81 self>
words: aBlock | text index list |
list <- List new.
text <- self.
[ text <- text copyFrom:
(text indexOf: aBlock ifAbsent: [ text size + 1])
to: text size.
text size > 0 ] whileTrue:
[ index <- text
indexOf: [:x | (aBlock value: x) not ]
ifAbsent: [ text size + 1].
list addLast: (text copyFrom: 1 to: index - 1).
text <- text copyFrom: index to: text size ].
^ list asArray
" evaluate self as an expression "
^ ( '^ [ ', self, ' ] value' ) execute
execute | meth |
" execute self as body of a method "
meth <- Method new; text: 'compile ', self.
(meth compileWithClass: Object)
ifTrue: [ ^ meth executeWith: #(0) ].
^ nil
^ <88 self>